Karin Schäfer Figuren Theater

Karin Schäfer


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If keeping up is impossible, then we need to take a new view of what is possible.

In her latest theater work, Karin Schäfer tackles the subject of aging.

What does it mean to grow old as a puppeteer, as a theater maker?

The eyes may become weak, the hands shaky, the posture stooped, the world around us faster and faster. The processes on stage become ever more demanding, the memory ever flatter. Things are slipping away, quite literally.

What remains is the will to play, because none of this can be taken too seriously. Making theater means experimenting, having the courage to fail and the urge to persevere.

Premiere: August 2024


Modest Mussorgsky



In 1874, after visiting an exhibition, Modest Mussorgski turned his impressions and moods into a versatile range of musical images.

The original artwork of this exhibiton has been lost in the course of time. However, from the resonance and emotions of his music, Karin Schäfer developed entirely new and original images that tell their own special stories.

The outstanding works and styles of 14 exceptional artists from the 20th century from Kandinsky, Picasso to Christo and Jeanne-Claude can be seen and heard in this musical performing exhibition concert.

Masterpieces of art brought to life through music

Isaac Albéniz


A passionate homage to virtuosity

IBERIA is a visual concert based on the correspondent piano cycle from the Spanish composer Isaac Albeníz.

Karin Schäfer created an impressive world full of imagery to this magnificent music, to which there are also several orchestra covers.

She takes inspiration from numerous works of fine art and with the help of her ensemble, she transforms these masterpieces into moving pictures.


Erik Satie


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Cubism - the biggest adventure of art so far

In 1917, Pablo Picasso created curtain, costumes and stage settings to a libretto by Jean Cocteau and music by Erik Satie performed by Sergei Diaghilev's “Ballets Russes” in the Parisian Opera house .

Inspired by various works of Picasso, Karin Schäfer brings the original idea of Cubism live onto the stage: single parts of puppets, props and scenes are combined together piece by piece to Erik Satie’s music in a theatrical collage, to create a multitude of new images and perspectives.




Karin Schäfer Figuren Theater is an independent theatre company from Austria, whose productions have been invited to more than 45 countries worldwide up to now. 

Transcending boundaries from theatre, dance, puppets, masks, animation, projections, light to shadows, Karin Schäfer creates her own very special form of “Visual Theatre”.

The company has won many prizes and awards, becoming internationally renowned. Karin Schäfer and her team are frequently invited to guest performences and international festivals all around the globe.

The main focus of her work lies within the visualisation of classical music, working in collaboration with pianists and orchestras in renowned theatre houses and concert halls.

This is puppetry of a very high order
— Irish Times




Zheng He
When the dragon ships came


International Puppet Theater Festival


All about ME & YOU


A mobile exhibition


Collage Art